Alketa Ramaj graduated in 2006 from the Academy of Arts in Tirana. Her work is represented by an incessant curiosity and permanent study of new forms of expression, which reveals a striking independence in terms of applying her own critical and personal working methods. The emotional relationship the artist builds with the environment she lives in, in terms of social connection, historical and the political context, are reflected in her practice that develops in different mediums.
Born in 1983, Përmet, Albania
Living in Berlin
Solo Exhibitions
2020 About a tree, Ministry of Culture , Tirana
2019 Lust, Zeta Gallery, Tirana, Albania
2014 Salon, ISCP, International studio & curatorial program, New York, USA
No Title, Station, Center for Contemporary Art, Pristina, Kosovo
2013 Where I End You Begin, Double solo show, La Fenice Gallery, Venezia, Italy
Group Exhibitions
2024 The Breath of a House is the Sound of Voices Within, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
2023 Material, Scotty (Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst und experimentelle Medien),Berlin
2021 Ambitions, National Museum of Fine Art, Tirana, Albania, !e National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina.
A for Unapologetic, Doma Art Foundation and Doza gallery, Sofia,Bulgaria.
2019 Run the world (girl), Doris Gheta Gallery, Ortisei, Italy
Déjeuner avec Marubi, Video Festival, Belvedere 21, Vienna , Austria
2018 Ex-Gratia, Collezione Giuseppe Iannaccone, Milano, Italy
2017 Bienal de Curitiba 17, Museu Oscar Niemeyer Curitiba, Brazil
Expressive Gestures, Galerie Heike Strelow, Frankfurt, Germany
2015 Do you want something sweet?, MestnaGalleria, Piran, Slovenia
Army War Command, 3rd edition of Project Biennial of Contemporary Art D-0 ARK Underground, Atomic Shelter, Konjic, Bosnia-Herzegovina
2014 Coexistence: for a new Adriatic koine, Piramid, Albanian National Gallery
Cetinje, Montenegro Muzej Moderne I Suvremene Umjetnosti, Rijeka, Hungary Magazzini del Sale, Venezia, Italy, Fondazione Pino Pascali, Bari, Italy
Post Young Albanian Artist, Fondazione Museo Pino Pascali, Bari, Italy
2013 Balkan?, IAAB project space, Basement, Basel, Switzerland Video Air, Artpoint Gallery, Vienna, Austria
Artists in Residence, Artpoint Gallery, Vienna, Austria
Ardhje Award, Tica and Tirana Ekspres, Tirana, Albania
2012 Perchance to Dream, Onufri Prize, National Gallery, Tirana, Albania Ardhje Award, TICA Tirana Institute of Contempo- rary Art, Tirana, Albania
2011 Draw me a crisis, International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, Netherlands Rezidenza #7, TICA Tirana Insti- tute of Contemporary Art and ZETA Gallery , Tirana
What Happened to the General?, FAP Gallery, Tirana, Albania
Mulliqi Prize, National Gallery, Prishtina, Kosovo
2010 I Am Art(ist), Onufri- International Visual Arts Competition, National Art Gallery,
2009 Feedback 1989, Dajti Hotel, Tirana, Albania
2008 Constructing Space, Deutsche Welle, Berlin, Germany
2019 TiaMuc Klima, Domagk Atelier, Munih, Germany
2018 Art House, Art House School, Shkodra, Albania
2014 ISCP, New York, USA
2013 Culturspace, Basel, Switzerland
KulturKontakt Austria, Vienna, Austria
2011 TICA, Tirana Institute of Contemporary Art, Tirana, Albania
2023/24 Berlin Fellowship
2013 Ardhje Award, Tica and Tirana Ekspres, Tirana, Albania
2012 First Prize, Onufri Prize- International Visual Arts Competition, National Gallery, Tirana, Albania